Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Pillars Of Justice"

This sculpture, "Pillars Of Justice", was installed in 2007 in front of the Courthouse on University Ave. It represents the people of the jury as the pillars of justice and the missing figure in the front row "invites you to imagine that you are the twelfth juror". It was designed by English artist Edwina Sandys - the granddaughter of Winston Churchill. We got a sprinkle of snow this morning!


  1. Fantastic sculpture!!! Very nice message it carries.
    Cool, it's fun to see some photos with snow! ;-)

  2. A very interesting sculpture and very appropriate in front of the court house! I served on a jury about a violent attack/fight between two men - it was eye-opening....

  3. I'm so glad you're posting so many places in Toronto that I have never seen! Thank you for the explanation as well!

  4. What a clever sculpture! Toronto must be a haven for the arts and culture population.

  5. That is pretty interesting. It is appropriate for a courthouse site.

  6. I was drawn to this sculpture last week when I attended Jury selection duty, so appropriate what it signifies
