Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Great Fire of 1904 part 3

This mural tells the tale of John Croft who was killed during the demolition work on the ruins of the Toronto fire in 1904. Croft was involved in detonating explosives to clear the area and was killed when one of the dynamite charges failed to go off but detonated when he attempted to remove the fuse from it! This laneway/street was renamed in his honour in 1908. If you click on the pic the story is written out towards the top of the mural.


  1. I think it's great that they honored this man in this way!

  2. Fantastic, a mural that tells us a story!
    I love the idea, it's artistic and educative at the same time. ;-)

  3. Tragic but great tribute in this mural,

  4. Excellent mural. Colorful too.

  5. I have said it before, Redpat . . . Toronto and Oakland seem to be locked in a battle for the honor of Mural City.

  6. The advantage of a 'newer' old city like yours is that you can have such colourful and creative memorials. Ours are so strictly controlled that not too much gets through.
