Friday, April 15, 2011

A Hat Occasion

A local milliner has decorated his window as a tribute to the up-coming royal wedding in England where one assumes there will be a lot of fanciful hats. Our national TV networks will be covering the event from about 2 am the day of the wedding - I wonder how many people will get up to watch?


  1. I will! Love all these decorations!

  2. It will be a huge event!
    I'd love to see the fanciful hats. ;-)

  3. I like most people do not know them, but they seem like a nice young couple and I certainly wish them well. I have met his aunt, Anne and also his great grandmother, but that was in an earlier life when I served in the British military.
    Paul at Leeds daily photo

  4. I will not get up to watch but will catch updates online and tv over the day.

  5. Great window display. Like most I will catch the reruns.

  6. No nice mural today ;)
    Have a happy weekend :)

  7. It will be inescapable here. I watched the wedding of Charles and Diana in British Columbia. Satellite TV was in its infancy, and they all had green faces.

  8. Hehe! Not me. I need my sleep. I'm sure we'll see lots of highlights on the news. :)

  9. I shall be glued to the TV all day - and wearing my hat!!
