Monday, May 2, 2011

Election Day in Canada

On a day of much incredible world news we in Canada are having our 4th federal election since 2004! We are governed by a parliamentary system like Britain's and have had minority governments since then which has resulted in too many elections. All signs point to another minority so no doubt we will be at the polls again in a year or 2. Meanwhile, these polling station signs have gone up in schools, arenas and community centres all over the country. No smoking while you consider your voting options!


  1. I'm interested to see if the turnout goes up this time. I'm inclined to think we wouldn't end up with a minority gov't if more of us would exercise our franchise.

    Fingers crossed.

  2. Happy voting!

    In answer to your question about the table and chairs by the rail car. I don't know, I believe the train belongs to the people with the cars in driveway and the slightly visisble house.

  3. I'll be watching with great interest to see the results. :)

  4. Be positive, here we had the same party (the same President) in the power for 8 years in 2 elections (according to our laws it's not possible to have a third mandate), and this year we have someone of the same party in power again... :(

  5. It is annoying to me that the number of voters in many elections is low, and then, of course, those who didn't go to the polls grouse for years thereafter.

  6. Glad you did your civic duty. One thing I'm looking forward to in Canada is getting away from US politics. :)

  7. Ahha ... and if I read correctly, you no longer have a minority government. And two parties (Libs & Quebecois) have been banish-ed to the wilderness to lick their wounds and regroup.

    How do you feel about that, Canada?
