Friday, May 13, 2011

Photographer at High Park

While at High Park to view the cherry blossoms I spotted this woman with her equipment set up pointing at a beautiful tree. It turned out that she was setting up to take a self-portrait - something that was taking a lot of back and forth trips to get just right. It was a particularly lovely tree!
Glad to be back on-line! Hope to see everyone else up soon.


  1. Wow!!! This tree is wonderful, love the colours and composition, nice moment on this shot!
    Have a good weekend! ;-)

  2. I saw that photo yesterday and then lost it. These cherry blossoms are fabulous....

  3. I wonder if she specifically wore red just for the photo shoot?!
    I was in Toronto earlier in the week and forgot to stop at High Park. Luckily, we have our own blossoms in Burlington, but these ones look lovely.

  4. That tree is huge and so wonderfully full of blooms!

  5. I bet that was fun to watch! The tree is beautiful.

    Funny how you lost your entire Thursday post. I lost one post but discovered the date had been changed on it so I corrected the date and it is now back in place. But I lost ALL the comments on two posts. Oh well! :)

  6. Wonderful shot! What a beautiful "sakura"..!
    Have a happy weekend!

  7. I bet the red really stood out against the blossoms.

  8. I wonder if she got the perfect shot
