Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Binary Spirit"

I had gone to the Macdonald block from the last 2 days on Sunday and being a gov't building it was all closed - but I could see this piece installed high up on the lobby wall and I could see 2 OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) officers on security duty. So I went in and asked if I could shoot this pic. They said sure and told me there was a lot of art around the building and one of them proceeded to tour me about the mostly darkened halls of this huge building with me taking shots as we went! This large piece by Stephen Hogbin was installed in 1979-80 and features poplar and black walnut blades that evolve from an abstract centre into birds in flight moving higher up the wall to represent " the spirit's soaring in search of a higher plane of understanding". More pics from the building to come!


  1. I'm sure it was a nice tour, I'm glad the officers let you take pictures. ;-)
    " the spirit's soaring in search of a higher plane of understanding" - beautiful...

  2. Restores my faith in the OPP since G-day.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Oh mu gosh! You got a private tour! Good for you. :))

  4. How refreshing that the police were so helpful. Not sure what I make of this piece, though the idea sounds good.

  5. A whole world opens up when you ask to be let in. Continue down this path.

  6. Wow a private tour, you rank... I can't wait to see your other photos, this one is a beautiful use of the wood.

  7. You were fortunate to get a tour. We will all be looking to see the other shots.

  8. So nice of them. Interesting piece.

  9. Very nice colours- looking forward to more art!


  10. That's fantastic! Just shows that you don't get anywhere if you don't ask! I can't wait to see the other pictures you have of the building!
