Monday, July 25, 2011

Kline at the AGO

This will be my last pic from the 'Abstract Expressionist New York' show at the AGO and it is one that I would love to own. Titled "Le Gros" and painted by Franz Kline in 1961, it is a great example of his style of work that displays strong, practiced, brushstrokes. They had several of his pieces mounted in a lovely moodily-lit room and it was fabulous!


  1. BW is a great combination even in paintings!
    As you mentioned you'd love to own this work, I couldn't resist, the one from yesterday's post is my favourite! ;-)

  2. I wonder if he was influenced by Japanese calligraphy. I bet it does look best in a moodily lit room.

  3. I like this one too! It has a Zen feel to it... sorta Asian calligraphy inspired. this would be perfect in my living room!

    Have a nice evening, RedPat!

  4. great painting red pat. this piece also impressed me - the scale and the spareness of the lines were amazing. standing in front of this piece gave me goose bumps. great show and great choices here. thanks

  5. I'm struck by the plain frames on all the paintings you featured. I find the frames sometimes overpower the art, esp. on pictures of much earlier centuries. These are very appropriate.

  6. Now, this is an artist that I don't know. His work is simple but strong and dramatic. Nice.

  7. I wonder if one us painted that now would people look at it the same way. Nice shot, more more!

  8. I like it Red, but I would like it more if it had a small touch of red in it!!

  9. Most of his paintings are in b&w and even so they are so eye-catching. I like them very much.

  10. I have enjoyed this short tour of these paintings. Not sure I would want any of them in my house, but I like to see them in a gallery. I hope to have tine to get to see these before summer's end.
