Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mark Rothko at the AGO

Pollock's work may be the star of the Abstract Expressionist New York show at the AGO but all the other usual suspects are there too. Many of the Rothko pieces were rather dark and moodily-lit so weren't good subjects for a pic but this one glowed quite nicely. It is titled "No. 5/No. 22" from 1950 and seems to go against Rothko's quote - "I am interested in expressing the big emotions - tragedy, ecstasy, doom" - with it's cheerful colours.
After the tragedy in Norway perhaps a darker one would be more appropriate. Good thoughts to everyone there.


  1. Beautiful painting for this very nice post RedPat!
    Terrible tragedy...

  2. I've seen very few light Rothko. There is a wonderful
    Rothko chapel in Houston, which is outstanding. This painting is a good choice for your theme.

  3. Nice piece. There's enough doom and gloom out there, RedPat. :(
    Happy weekend to you!

  4. I do like the painting but it is hard to portray doom and tragedy in a cheery way just using colors.

  5. Maybe this is as ecstatic to Rosco. (Okay, I'm only kidding.)

  6. Another of my favorite artists. I would love to have seen this in person.

  7. This is pretty nice, but it seems different from other Rothko's I have seen. Those bright red bands are different, I think.

  8. Nice uplifting colours Red, and a bit of uplifting is certainly needed at the moment!

  9. The first time I looked at the news this week and it is sadly about the happenings in Norway. I don't understand why people have to express themselves with killings. Rothko had a better idea to use his art for his expressions.

  10. I like the colors in this one.

  11. I used to have a print of this one. Lost it in my divorce:-) Nice set, Pat.
