Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fish Out of Water

You will have to take my word for it but this is a fabulous fountain when it is working - 3,000 to 4,000 gallons per minute of water come tumbling over the granite steps giving the impression that the 60 stainless steel salmon are leaping up over rapids, through the granite wall, and out to a smaller stream in the back. Titled "Salmon Run" and by Toronto artist Susan Schelle, since its installation in 1991 outside our baseball stadium it has only worked for short time periods. A big fix was supposedly done and it was re-commissioned in 2005 but as you can see it didn't fix the problems. I remain hopeful but not optimistic that a solution will be found!


  1. hopes may be dashed for these poor salmon. I've never actually seen it with water, but it is still a cool sculpture.

  2. What a shame! It's very pleasing nonetheless.

  3. I guess we'll all have to imagine what it looks like with water.

  4. It is quite attractive, but I bet those fish would love some water.

  5. Too bad that the "fabulous fountain" is not functioning as intended. Wonder how the artist feels about it?

  6. You have post another photo when the water starts flowing again. Nice sculpture.

  7. I believe you. It is disappointing for all. The sculptor is probably pretty upset.

  8. That's a lot of water it needs to make it workable Red, sounds like it would look so impressive when in action. I saw a similar thing in one of our shopping centres, a frog pond with not a drop in sight!!

  9. It's a pity the fountain isn't working, it would be fun to see all these salmons in action! :)
    It's a great work, I hope it will be fixed soon.

  10. I haven't seen this "fountain" yet. But hopefully they'll get it up and running before my next trip downtown.

  11. What a nice concept. I hope they get it to work soon.

  12. Great! the effect should be interesting, I hope they can fix it soon so you can show us how it works :)

  13. Despite having no water, it doesn't appear to be getting vandalised so that's good - and surprising. Maybe Canadians aren't so thoughtless as some Brits.

  14. Poor fish! Actually they're still quite lovely even out of water...at first I assumed it had been turned of b/c of drought.

  15. I visited this very spot in 2008 and now feel even luckier because the water was flowing.
