Friday, August 26, 2011

Lakeview Restaurant

The Lakeview Restaurant was established in 1932 and amazingly its original interior (with soda bar and booths) and the wonderful chrome detailing outside have remained intact even though its ownership has changed many times. In 1947 they renamed it the Lakeview Lunch and a super neon sign hung over the sidewalk until 2010 when new owners discovered that the sign was heavily corroded and dangerous and so it was removed and the original name was taken. The cute little French Bulldog tied by the door got that couple to stop and pet him!


  1. I'd stop and pet him, too.
    Those have got to be old milkshake machines in the window, right? And there's a soda bar and booths? I must try to get there next time I'm in Toronto (which isn't often, but I'd love to see this place).
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Old diners from the art deco era are wonderful. I hope they keep it up.

  3. I like places like this, full of personality!
    I'd pet him too, the little one seems so lonely! ;-)

  4. That little bulldog looks to have that sad puppy eyes that always bring on pets: ) I would stop too. I would also visit this restaurant.

  5. I love soda bars. Sounds like a great place.

  6. How retro is that Red, soda bar and booths how fantastic and that bulldog looks so adorable, I wonder if anyone goes by without saying 'bonjour monsieur'!!

  7. Will you shows us the inside? I bet it's worth seeing. :-)

  8. What a great place. I love the look! I'd stop to pet that cute little dog too.

  9. It's a spot I'd stop in to eat a sandwich.
