Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Museum Sign

This sign can be found along the east-facing wall of the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) which is where all the bike stands that I have been showing you are located. This lovely 1933 addition to the museum has wonderful carvings and stained glass windows along its length in total contrast to the controversial modern "Crystal" addition. I thought this sign captured one of the aspects of the museum perfectly!
Taking part in Signs,Signs. For more signs click here.


  1. Very attractive sign, RedPat! I think it befits the ROM very well.

  2. Gorgeous sign. Definitely one of the nicest signs in our entire country, I'd venture to ay.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Excellent sign, Redpat. I wonder what it is about that font that seems so elegant. Recently I tried to do something using Copperplate, a font that used to be part of the Microsoft Word font selections, and which is a similar traditional all-caps font. It was missing and I was very disappointed, because I wanted that effect.

  4. This Museum is another place I'd love to visit!
    Its sign is unbeatable, fantastic work! ;-)

  5. I love that sign and it alone would make me want to visit the Museum.

  6. impressive sign. love it.

  7. Love how sculptured the sign appears to be! Like an embossed page! Complements the idea of a museum beautifully!

  8. It looks museumish! (if that is even a word! must not got underlined in red!) It makes me want to rub my hands over it to feel the engraving.

  9. Now that is a sign fitting for a museum. Love the details.

  10. I like these kind of permanent signs.

  11. You can't put a sign like this onto a Crystal!

  12. Great catch Red, looks very Romanish!!( underlined red like Pat's museumish haha!! but you know what I mean!!

  13. A good sign. Although I think the entrance prices to the museums in Toronto are outrageous. Probably keeps a lot of people from sharing in the culture.

  14. Beautiful sign and design, a sentiment to draw one into the entrance, after parking a bike in the intriguing stands.

  15. A wonderful sign that represents what will be seen in the museum.

  16. You are so right, a great sign. We need more of these! I"m still holding out for the vase bike stand too! :)
