Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stan Walker Drugs

This would be what is called a ghost sign - one painted on a building for a long-gone business and which will slowly fade away. This lovely little building has been used as studio space for many years but the lovely signage from its days as Stan Walker Drugs is still intact. There are not many of these small independent drug stores left in Toronto - the big box stores have taken over!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. For more signs click here.


  1. Unfortunately chain stores have taken over the GTA. Even the little drugstore in my village is a chain - not a BIG BOX chain, but a chain nonetheless.

  2. The same happens here, only big box stores.
    The building is very nice, it's so cool you found this old sign still intact! ;-)

  3. Nice that it is still there. The flowers are beautiful.

  4. KC has lots of building with business names faded on the sides.

  5. Hopefully, the awning will help preserve the sign for a few more decades.

  6. Nice photo of something that is going the same way as the corner store.

  7. I wonder what made them keep the sign.

  8. I know that there is savings in volume sales but, it is just sad to me that these independent businesses are disappearing.

  9. I love the users of the space saving the sign from the former owner. There are some people left in this world who do not want to change everything. Like the post. genie

  10. Oh -- I was just starting to wonder how they could stay in business in this day and age -- and then I read your explanation. Yeah -- it is kind of too bad that the small stores have all bitten the dust...when we shop while we travel, sometimes I forget what town I'm in I am glad they saved the sign tho -- and that the building is being used and loved at least.

  11. There is nothing more boring than going from town to town and seeing exactly the same chains of stores. There was a time when the owner's name above the store really meant something!

  12. this is a beautiful building. i love the bricks and the vine-covered facade.

  13. The sign is in awfully good condition. It needs to begin wearing out.

  14. The sign is deceiving as it looks pretty new! That building looks so quaint with it's ivy-covered bricks and the flowers out front.

  15. I like that they left the sign up. What an attractive street front the business presents.

  16. It's a great looking building Red, the ivy covering the walls is fantastic, wonder what they use the studio for? I agree that the sign is probably still in good shape as it's being protected from the elements by the awning! Gorgeous shot!!

  17. I agree with everyone that it's a pity the mom'n pop stores are a dying breed. It's good thing I don't shop (never did much, and do almost none now), because like Lesley, I find the chains to be totally unappealing and it's boring to see the same stores in Capri as in Miami.

  18. A very cute sign. I haven't seen any small pharmacies in my area. Only big box chains.

  19. Awesome green wall! Lovely pic.
