Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rising Sun Pub

I find the old pubs in England so fascinating - both for the idea that a business can last so long and for their unique architecture. This pub, the Rising Sun on Tottenham Ct, was established on this corner in 1730 and rebuilt in 1897. I came across it on a beautiful sunny day just glowing away, as you can see, and I can still remember the thrill of seeing it. This is the weather I had for the whole 19 days in England - no rain!


  1. It's a beautiful building even the name of the pub is cool!
    19 days without rain in England is unbelievable! I've never bought so many umbrellas in my life as in the time I spent in London...

  2. No rain? NO rain? No RAIN?
    Well, I guess you would have noticed.
    Glad you noticed this gorgeous building, though, and to think it's a pub just makes me giggle. Gotta love it.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Very nice street capture Red Pat!

  4. It is amazing, I would love to go inside and just look up.

  5. The details on this on this building are fabulous. And you did luck out with the weather.

  6. What a wonderful building, so white and clean,,,M

  7. The upper floors of this building are amazing. I could stand there staring for hours. Maybe you did . . .

  8. Looks like the kind of place I'd visit!

  9. Gorgeous building! Yes, I've heard England is having the hottest season in decades. Here, temperatures are above 30ÂșC every day in October.

  10. There is definitely something special about English pubs Red, they have such an atmosphere and this one is a beauty. Great find.

  11. One of my dream vacations would be to do a pub crawl in England.

  12. No rain!!! You are so lucky. What a beautiful shot.

  13. It's definitely worth looking upwards in English cities. What amazing architecture.

  14. Hi Red Pat, these pix bring back fond memories....I remember spending time with friends in the Rising Sun when I was younger! And that shot of London Lane!! I know exactly where it is, the street is called Hanway street and it leads from Oxford St through to what used to be my favourite Spanish bar, called Bradleys Bar, the original bar was just on the corner in the left of the photo, sadly closed down over ten years ago now, replaced by a newer establishment I suspect!
