Friday, November 11, 2011

Deco Arch

As you continue along the street from yesterday's house there is a real assortment styles ranging from stately traditional to horrible, large new-builds. This lovely arch and entrance is one of 2 leading into a large property with a 1930s Art Deco home that just recently won a Heritage Award for conserving many original features while undergoing a huge reno, energy re-fit, and addition. Unfortunately from the outside it looks (to me) as if large glass boxes have been installed all over the roofline and on some of the sides - not my favourite reno! Love these arches though! I am not sure if there is a light in the top or not.


  1. The entrance to the driveway is very nice. I wonder how much heat a house loses with glass ceilings. Just wondering.

  2. The archway is terrific. Can't see the rest well enough to evaluate, so I'll take your word for it.

    When I was young, red poppies were common on Veterans Day (previously called Armistice Day), but these days they are almost completely gone.

  3. Most of time I dn't like when different sytles are mixed, but I like the entrance, the arches and the green area, the different kinds of trees. ;-)

  4. The arch is really nice. I love art deco style.

  5. Yes, #16 definitely has a nice entranceway!

  6. a really elegant arch. such a clean design. i quite like it. great find red pat, thanks

  7. It makes me thing of something you would see in France. I love it.

  8. That archway is very attractive!

  9. Loved the leatherman's sign and also this whole neighborhood walk (from that post upward to here -- I am catching up). Beautiful homes in this neighborhood and it is amazing that the real estate market in your beautiful city hasn't suffered at all. Must be doing something right ;>)

  10. art deco... my favourite style!
    and this a much more welcoming entrance than the one I posted with the lion at the garage!

  11. Looks pretty, stylish AND interesting!
