Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hazy Lakeshore

I took this pic in late summer down on the western lakeshore and I like how the haze has softened the condo towers of west-end Toronto. The downtown of toronto is located right down on the shores of Lake Ontario and the city moves north from there to the outer suburbs and east and west to the older suburbs. The lakeshore is definitely the place to be in summer!
I am busy this week so may not get around to everyone's blog until Sunday (tomorrow).


  1. I like this hazy atmosphere sometimes... and in your shot it is just right... the foreground is a silhouetted perfectly...

  2. Everything looks so peaceful in this shot, I wish we had a place like this around here... Beautiful. :)

  3. This was well captured, when enlarged I feel like I am right there.

  4. I like the foggy atmosphere. Gives T-town a little mystery. ;)

  5. Great the haze. We sometimes walk along the lakeshore near Prince Edward Drive....where all those new condo's when up a few years ago.

  6. Excellent composition Red, great silhouettes in the foreground and beautiful soft outline in the background. Sounds like a hectic week ahead take care!

  7. Makes the city look rather attractive, and I'd agree about being at the lakeshore during the summer.

    I wonder if you could or would take this same photo in mid-winter?

    Have a good week and don't work too hard.

  8. I like the softness of this photo!
