Friday, November 25, 2011

"MMMMMM .........I Love Turtles"

"Turtles" are a brand of candies made of toasted pecans and soft caramel covered in chocolate and formed into a whimsical shape reminiscent of a turtle - they are delicious! This float shows 3 of the chocolate turtles pulling a sleigh, with the Turtles mascot in it, over a sea of caramel - I love it. Not sure why but it was probably my favourite of the whole parade! Maybe it was the big smiles on all the turtles (check out the enlarged pic).


  1. Love their happy faces (and the sea of caramel too)!
    Have a good weekend! ;-)

  2. Hmmm, I wonder if these turtles were chocolate too.....!

  3. I thought at first it was a tank made out of chocolate
    Fun shot!

  4. Happy smiling faces and chocolate, it's a winning combination.

  5. Maybe it was the chocolate... just wondering.

  6. Yum those kind of turtles, I love too! I like the way the turtles appear to be swimming in this float.

  7. Oh great, now I'm craving chocolate and caramel! I love "turtles" and they've made into a delicious float.

  8. How can you not love flying turtles? Love the chocolate ones too.
