Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkins on Parade

Last night's neighbourhood pumpkin patch was a great success - over 350 pumpkins were brought to the park and lined up along both sides of the walkway and then re-lit for a final hurrah before going to the compost pile! Unfortunately for photographers there were also more than 350 people at the park with kids running everywhere drinking the free apple cider and hot chocolate - so no space for tripods. I managed this pic with flash when the crowd scattered for a minute and you can see the head from yesterday's wizard in the lower right corner along with his cat.


  1. Sorry you couldn't get the shot you wanted exactly. THis is a nice look as well though!

  2. Cool shot, I think! At least I get the idea of what the Pumpkin Patch was all about. :)

  3. I like this idea. Looks like fun!

  4. What a nice idea to get a last chance to show off all your hard work carving a pumpkin. Glad you posted the shot.

  5. What a great idea! That wizard is an amazing creation.

  6. That's sooo cool, I wish we had this celebration here! :)

  7. Interesting tradition, RedPat. We don't have it in Connecticut.

  8. Do you think all the pumpkins were donated by the owners? I live nearby and both my jack'o'lanterns that were on my porch when I left for work on Tuesday were missing when I returned from work. Not that I really mind, but it would have been nice to be asked by whoever took them...

  9. That would be a wonderful thing to see.

  10. You captured it well Red, I love that you got Pumpkin Wizard and his cat in the shot, was nice to see a familiar face haha!!

  11. The pumpkins path looks strange and inviting, the wizard is a great character!

  12. That is such a large collection of jack-o-lanturns! How fun.

  13. This is so cool. What an amazingly fun, fun concept. Love the shot you got, it says so very much. I bet the compost area looks hysterical after this is all done.

  14. Hard to believe that so many people showed up for this event! And so many pumpkins! Kudos to you for hanging in there and getting a shot amidst all the mayhem! :-)
