Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ardwold Traditional

Being an equal opportunity blog I thought that I would show you one of the traditional homes from yesterday's street, Ardwold Gate. I think it is quite lovely and I especially like the eyebrow window and the icy tones of the shutters etc. Being one of the smaller houses on the street, we could probably get this one for a couple of million $$ - I would still have to win a lottery!


  1. It's nice enough, no doubt, but I still like yesterday's modern building better.

  2. This is the kind of house I see in the movies: couple + kids + a Golden Retriever. ;-)

  3. Whadaya mean "we" kiddo?

    Only a couple of mil, heh? I'll talk to my accountant and let ya know.

    I like it a lot. It looks like there's an apartment over the garage, too. Maybe I'll lease that out to make enough to pay the light bill?

    Why are prices so high in Toronto?

  4. Oops! I mean to thank you for the info re Brutalism. I didn't know that!

  5. Love the shutters, they add so much to a house. And that fabulous eyebrow window Wow, wonder what ancient treasures lurk in the attic behind it.

  6. I have to admit, I much prefer this one to the brutalist one below. Brutalism is an interesting design concept, but I wouldn't feel at home living in it.

  7. I really like both the houses you featured. Thank goodness I didn't win the lottery this week, I would have had a hard time deciding!

  8. I love this smaller home. But then I loved the Brutalist yesterday. I could live in either. I would need to win the lottery also.

  9. This is more like it. Not quite what I want, but you are warmer. Keep going.

  10. I must admit, I like this one better than yesterday's. But I'd take either one if someone offered it! :)

  11. I am still with the palace of your friends from a while ago ..:)
    Enjoying your posts Red Pat!
