Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bike Stands at the ROM 9

I think I have captured them all now - this is the last of the bike stands beside the ROM and I am pretty sure that this references the dinosaur collection of the museum (which is quite wonderful). I have never seen a bike on this one possibly because there is always a food truck parked right beside it and the serving window is right behind the stand. I have heard that the same artists who did these ROM racks have done another series in the city so will have to check that out!


  1. These are all quite a display, even w/o the bikes.

  2. My what big teeth that bike stand has Red, hope they don't eat tires haha!

  3. This does have a dinosaur look to it. These are all such great bike stands.

  4. It's a great idea, and they make for a neat photo series.

  5. Well, I rather like the design...looks like a fox chasing a chicken...

    But, I cannot figure out how a bike fits into the thing. But that's my problem and I'll get it eventually. :-)

  6. Great idea, I always enjoy seeing street furniture that is good looking as well as functional.

  7. I am so impressed with these bike stands.

  8. If you find more I'd very much like to see them. I think these are such fun!

  9. These really are fun, so much better than standard street furniture.

  10. Good for you, RedPat. Don't you feel like you accomplished something?

  11. This looks vicious!
