Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pumpkin Eater

I spotted this squirrel nibbling on a leftover Jack O'Lantern and thought I would sneak up for a shot. I didn't need to sneak - he had no interest in me at all and continued to reach inside for more bits of pumpkin even when I was just a few feet away. Bulking up for a harsh winter? I hope not!


  1. This little one is so cute!
    It's the first time I see a dark squirrel. :)

  2. Great shot helped by the critter being very cooperative!

  3. That is absolutely amazing. Also interesting is that your squirrels are black, ours are brown.

  4. Interesting. I find the black squirrels are typically really shy. They're always running away from my camera (but not my tulips).

  5. Looking at the thumbnail in CDP portal, I assumed that this photo is a cover of book and am surprised that it isn't. Wow! really nice. So colorful. Great find for you.

  6. Squirrels always know where to find the goods of the season.

  7. Squirrels are positively squirrelly! It's a cute shot of a critter quite different in color than our central Florida squirrels. Although we have Fox Squirrels. If you see them running at a distance, they look very much like foxes.

  8. The pumpkin meat and seeds must have been tasty. Perhaps the squirrel was afraid it would have to share with you so decided to stay and duke it out. :)

  9. I love squirrels! I have never seen a black one before.

  10. Very nice photo shot, thanks for sharing.

  11. Ah, every photographers dream! Great shot Red Pat.

  12. The squirrel equivalent of a Boston Cream perhaps?!

  13. Great shot Red, I've not seen a black squirrel before, I think your guess might be right unfortunately!
