Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bird Mural Part 3

This is the last part of this 3 part post of the bird mural and this bird sits just to the right of yesterday's hip-hop bird. I love the way they have wrapped the tree around the corner of the building and the words about freedom for the artist - enlarge to read the words better. "Loft" refers to the umbrella organization which Under The Radar is part of and all profits from their enterprises are reinvested in programs and services for local youth!


  1. The artist had a cool idea to make the tree involving the building. ;-)

  2. He is a very talented person whoever they are. and an excellent capture. Is this the only artwork in your area by this person?

  3. This is my favourite part of the mural. You have saved the best for last!

  4. Great presentation on your part. Fantastic mural.

  5. Ooh I like this. Great colours!

  6. Love the detail, really gorgeous when you blow it up.

  7. Fiercely dramatic. So glad all of this involves a worthy cause, too!

  8. I wonder how much time was invested in this mural.

  9. Very nice! - I've been away shooting live birds, so a couple of days to catch up on!

  10. I too like the way the tree wrapes around the corner Red, also Under the Radar sounds like an excellent organisation.

  11. Love these Graffiti/Mural shots Red Pat....!

  12. Fantastic series! Do you know the work of a Belgian street artist called Roa? He does amazing animals on walls: http://roaweb.tumblr.com/

  13. Love this shot, RedPat! Please come on over to enter it in my 'Weekly Top Shot' meme? We're on Week #16 and I'd love to see you share with me and my readers! Here's this weeks' link: http://www.theviewfromrighthere.com/blog/?p=6115
