Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Bit Of Winter Colour

This laneway runs behind houses near the U of Toronto and at this dull time of year offers a nice blast of colour - practically every garage along the lane has a mural, a pattern, or tagging on it. Somehow it reminds me of a gritty, downtown, urban equivalent of those wonderful beach huts you find in Europe!
We are finally getting a bit of snow so I am heading out to see if there are any photos ops to be found!


  1. Yep, colour is much appreciated this time of year!

    Hope you find some great photo ops!

  2. I've never seen these before. Very bright and pretty!

  3. They are really cool, colours always catch our eyes!
    Keep warm RedPat! ;-)

    *I'm so bored, it has been raining here since last week... :(

  4. I need to visit Toronto once!
    Have fun Red Pat :)

  5. They certainly brighten the place up, But I wonder what the garage owners think of them!

  6. I'm not fond of tagging usually, but this colorful row of houses is fun to see (if it was done on purpose with the owners' permission, then it's a great thing!)

  7. Love them. Always appreciate the understanding of neighborhoods, that art does work even if it isn't the "norm"

  8. Alleys are usually dull, listless places...this changes that perception! Good luck on the snow ops!

  9. They do look like the beach. I wouldn't have first thought "Toronto."

  10. Nice find! The colours sure brighten up that back alleyway, Pat! :-)

  11. Someone's been very busy down this little laneway, I guess if the owners don't have a problem, it's one way to vent their artistic temperament!! Have a great weekend Red.

  12. It does kind of look like those huts you mentioned. Very colorful.
