Friday, January 27, 2012

Parkdale Bike Stands 4

Time for another look at the bike stands on Queen St West in Parkdale. There are 4 of these bike stands made to look like old-fashioned streetlights, 2 at each end of the Parkdale stretch of Queen West - I guess to act as boundary indicators for this old Toronto neighbourhood which starts at Dufferin St and ends at Roncesvalles Ave. More stands to come!


  1. This one brought a smile to my face. Very clever.

  2. All the bike stands you've shown us are so cool, I wish we had something similar around here! ;-)

  3. Who comes up with these creative designs? So very unique and thus very interesting and again, a nice addition to your community!

  4. What's with Toronto and bike stands? And why didn't I see any of them when I was there?
    Just amazing!
    I must come back some day and look around for them.

  5. Just when I think we have seen the best ya come up with another great bike stand!

  6. Excellent find. I actually spotted a couple of unusual ones around Perth lately and I'm sure I only noticed them because of your series Red.

  7. Wonderful. There should be tourist map of bike stands - that would get people out and abuot!
