Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter Sky and Squirrel Nests

On one of the few cold days we have had I went out for a late afternoon wander and found an empty playground at our local park - not even a squirrel to be found. But high in all the trees in the park you could see squirrel nests waving back and forth in the wind - each probably with a little creature keeping warm. I wonder why they always seem to build out towards the ends of the branches?


  1. Cool RedPat!
    This is the first time I see squirrel nests (yes, we have squirrels, but not like in Northern hemisphere)!
    Maybe they have a better view at the end of the branches (just kidding)... Probably it's because their predators can't reach them (cats and dogs?). ;-)

  2. I NEVER knew squirrel's had nests?! Thanks for educating me!

  3. Those #^$%#$ squirrels build their nests out at the end of branches because they are thrill seekers.

  4. Lucia has it right I think - so heavier predators can't get at them.

  5. Jack's comment made me laugh out loud. I think he may be right. Even though the sky is fairly clear and there is no snow on the ground, it looks cold in this photo. Must be the bare trees.

  6. Excellent shot. They momma squirrels are probably busy keeping their babies warm in the nests.

  7. Jack - probably the funniest comment for the whole year to come!

  8. What's going on? Doesn't Jack like those cute little critters? :-)

    I think avoidance of predators is probably the most accurate answer, though. They'd be able to feel another animal moving along the branch.

    But they are very playful...they may just get a kick out of swaying in the wind; like being on a big swing!

  9. Well that was a fun read of comments, have to agree that Jack has got me giggling. No matter what, seems that despite the fact that the sun was out, no one else was. - Great shot.

  10. I have some of those in my trees. Perhaps I should shake them down!

  11. I agree. Precarious!!
    I don't understand how the nests stay in tact?

  12. I think squirrels build their nests where other animals - predators - are too heavy to go.

  13. Hmmmm, I was under the false impression that squirrels lived in hollows of tree trunks. Probably showing evidence of my misspent youth watching too many Chip and Dale cartoons!
    Thanks for the edification! (Good photo too!)
