Sunday, February 26, 2012

February Flowers In Toronto

These Winter Aconite flowers were in bloom in my mother's garden this week. I don't ever remember seeing flowers out in Toronto in February before - such a strange winter here. These are always the first to bloom followed by the Snowdrops which have buds and will probably be open this coming week. Spring is almost here!


  1. Wow. March maybe, but never February!

  2. Wow, that does seem strange for this early in the year. But, they sure are pretty!

  3. We have had a similar winter here in the UK quite mild. went to check the flowers this morning and by gum the strawberry plants have started to grow again.

  4. Always good to see the first signs of spring, and so many spring flowers are yellow.

  5. Amazing. We just had a huge snowfall, after our very mild winter. Alberta doesn't expect Spring until May 24. They call it "planting weekend" here.

  6. You are correct it has been an odd winter. I sure hope we don't get a hard freeze after everything starts growing.

  7. It's been very mild here too, I don't know what it does to the plants' cycles. These pretty flowers are in such a lovely arrangement around the log.

  8. I hope this year we actually have a spring! I don't recall seeing one last year. :)
    These little buds are so pretty and a welcome dash of color.

  9. February .. flowers . . . Canada! I really can't believe it.

  10. A couple of weeks ago I thought maybe the magnolia would actually burst forth. Then it snowed. These are wonderful to see - though far too early.

  11. We don't have this lovely flower; we have had a very strange summer too.
    Autumn is almost here... :(

  12. I'm tempted to post the blooming Rhododendron I snapped in Vancouver the other day! And yes, even for here that's early.

  13. They are beautiful. It certainly is the strangest February in terms of how warm it is.

  14. I'd hate for you to get your hopes up and then have another hard freeze...but we often get a freeze here in central Florida up to mid-March. It is normally in the 70s but sometimes a Canadian air mass hits and we drop to 32 or less momentarily! That just kills me to say nothing of the plants!

    Darn Canadian air masses! :-)

  15. It is fascinating to see everyone around the hemisphere post early spring photographs, I keep wondering if we are in for a late winter, or just a very dry winter. These are really gorgeous.

  16. They're like a little buttercup Red, such a pretty colour! Beautifully shown.

  17. Beautiful photo of these delightful harbingers of Spring.

  18. It's wonderful to see them blooming now. I have a friend in Queensville (part of East Gwillimbury) who has them blooming too but her garden is in a very protected spot.

  19. Beautiful flowers but I don't see any RED in this photo...
