Sunday, February 19, 2012

Parkdale Bike Stands 10

Another bike stand of note (!?!) from Parkdale, this one is just along from yesterday's pic. I like how they have tried to reference the long-standing businesses in the area with some of these bike stands. Let's just hope that the music store near these two prospers for a lot longer.


  1. Very clever. And I hope the music store prospers, too. Not a lot of those anymore!

  2. The bike stands are back. Fab, being a biker i can appreciate these. They are a god send when needing to leave your bike somewhere, plus they do not look unsightly.

  3. AWWWWWWW I wish we had delightful things like this in my hometown. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Terrific. Now I understand that there is a music store nearby. I should have read more carefully yesterday.

  5. I hope the music store keeps on keeping on too Red, these along with bookstores seem to be not so slowly disappearing! Love the quirky bike stands.

  6. The bike stands are fantastic, do they actually get used much though?!

  7. Hope the music store stays open but if not perhaps an opticians could move in, thought it was a pair of glasses at first glance!
