Sunday, February 12, 2012

Up On The Roof

We finally have snow that has lasted for 2 days but as far as I got with my camera was to part of my roof and so here it is. Snow is wonderful in the way it softens and brightens everything. I could stare out at it for hours!


  1. What a contrast between our posts today!
    You know I love snowy shots, everything looks so quiet and peaceful covered in white... :)

  2. It is interesting how snow dampens sound...

  3. Beautiful to see that undisturbed blanket of snow...

  4. Better there than here! To put it mildy, I hate the d#$@ stuff! :D

  5. It will brighten things up, that's for sure.

  6. Like you I could watch snow for hours. We have around the same amount as you here now. I always think of Toronto as being under feet of snow this time of year, clearly not so!

  7. It is lovely to look at through a window!
    Actually, I rather like snow, it is the ice I am not so fond of.

  8. Freshly fallen snow can be very attractive as you have shown but I had enough of it while living in the north! So I'll just enjoy your photos! :-)

  9. It looks the same here I my neck of the woods. It is pretty to look at!

  10. Snow is beautiful especially when it falls on the weekend and one has the time to enjoy.

  11. We very seldomly get snow here, still awaiting our first flake of winter 2011/2012! Great shot.

  12. The snow looks lovely. I definitely looks better to my eye than the drab greys and browns we've been surrounded by this winter. This amounts looks just about perfect. :)

  13. You are so right, snow does soften everything and even out the rough edges. Very nice.

  14. I wish I could too Red, never going to happen here!!

  15. What a difference a year makes. Last year the blogs were groaning with pix of deep snow. This year it is rare seeing snow pix from the usual places. Instead we see snow pix from places like Rome. Go figure.
