Monday, April 16, 2012

The Annex Lifestyle

I found this mural in a laneway/alley off Bloor St in the Annex area. Not as colourful as some murals you see, but the artist obviously knows the area - lots of university students, artists, families, bikes, Victorian homes, trees, and lots of cats. Everything is in there if you look closely! Not sure who the artist is.
Taking part in Monday Murals. For more murals click here.


  1. This is a fun looking mural. love the cat!

  2. I like this one a lot! Only after I read your information below the photo did I see all that there is to see in this mural. I completely missed the victorian homes for instance when I looked the first time at your photo. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I embiggened it to get the full effect! This is a superb of the best I've seen. Very fine artist did this! Great find, Pat!

  4. This is wonderful, if that describes the area, then it must be a cool one!

  5. Another splendid find, love the bicycle.

  6. I think this is one of the best of your ural finds Red. I like this, a lot.

  7. This is a fabulous mural, love the artist painting the border, makes it dreamy. Love this neighborhood just from the mural.

  8. Everybody looks happy in this mural; I like the bike! ;-)

  9. Great shot of this highly decorative mural, Pat!

  10. The cat looks like he's looking at Annex, the Movie. Except he's the one with dialogue. I agree with Regina, it looks dreamy because of vine frame, the bubbles, and butterflies. Kind of the Disney version of the Annex. Very appealing, with the district putting its best foot forward. Thanks, Pat, for participating in this week's Monday Mural.

  11. I fell the fall ambiance in this mural. The soft tones of bronze is a delight!

  12. This is the sort of mural you could look at for a long time and still find something you hadn't noticed before.

  13. It's like a picture book, so much to see!

  14. It looks a bit like it's been painted over by different artists. I sort of like the muted colors.

  15. Love that cat watching he whole scene.

  16. Yes indeed. A lot to see in this part of the city... real and painted.

  17. So much better to look at than a plain old brick wall Pat, nice find.

  18. Lovely mural! Great entry on the meme.

  19. Excellent mural. Wonder if the woman holding the paint brush is the artist, feels like she is painting herself in. Lots of really nice details in this one.

  20. This is a nice find! There's something both complete and incomplete about it. The colours really work for me. But I thought the cat was a squirrel. LOL!

  21. Wow, this is one of the best murals I have seen in our fair city. I love that Toronto graffiti scene is shaping up and we can see decent street arts on our walls, not just some mindless drawings made by some punk with a spraycan.
