Friday, April 13, 2012

McLuhan In Wychwood

One of the larger homes in Wychwood Park, this one disappears into the foliage once the leaves of spring all come out so I will show it now. This house belonged to the leading prophet of the information age, Marshall McLuhan, famous for his quote "the medium is the message" until his death in '80 and then his wife continued to live here until 2008. Like all the other homes in the park there are no fences around its 1/2 acre property - they all just flow into each other! Yesterday's turtles were just to the left of this pic.


  1. Isn't that interesting that these homes didn't need fences? I wonder why we think we do now.

  2. It didn't need fences because it was a gated, private community. It's a nice piece of property on the pond.

  3. Looks like a delightful place to live, must look very different when the trees are in leaf.

  4. Paul - It isn't a gated community just private meaning that the city doesn't own the streets or maintain them. The owners of the houses in the park have a trust which owns everything and pays for any upkeep of the common properties i.e. the pond, tennis courts, roads, etc. Anyone can enter by foot or by car - there are no guards. I use it as a walking route all the time and it is like being in a forest in the city! There are turtles and herons and geese and ducks in the pond all summer.

  5. Beautiful and so well captured.

  6. Wow, what a wonderful place to live...
    Have a good weekend RedPat! ;-)

  7. Looks like a very peaceful place to live.

  8. I imagine in summer you wouldn't be able to see that house. Looks like a really peaceful park.

  9. This looks like it might be way out in the country. What a lovely setting to have right in the city.

  10. What a great setting and composition!

  11. Looks gorgeous Pat, and will be really private when the trees bloom. Lovely soft reflections.

  12. I am the architect that did the most recent renovation on this house - i like the image could you send me a higher resolution one so that i can put it in a picture book for the owners wedding. Terrell Wong
