Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spadina House

Spadina House is located right beside Casa Loma and is now a museum operated by the City of Toronto but was the home to several generations of the Austin family whose last survivor left it and its furnishings to the city and to the province in 1978. The original house was built in 1818 but it was enlarged and remodeled  numerous times through the years from mid-Victorian to 1930's Colonial Revival with bits of Arts & Crafts, Art Nouveau,  & Art Deco thrown into the mix. The museum was closed in 2009 and totally restored to the 1920s & 30s style before re-opening in 2010.  The original property was 200 acres but even now it still sits on 8 acres of orchards, park, and formal gardens. I showed you a pic taken of Casa Loma as viewed from the other side of Spadina House grounds here.
Enlarge to see the details on the house.


  1. It's a grand old building, with the various additions and extensions very clear to see!

  2. That is a wondrous structure! I did enlarge it to see the incredible details. Will you be taking us inside?

  3. This house is amazing, I'm glad to know it's so well preserved. ;-)

  4. Just gorgeous, and another museum I MUST get to if I ever get up your way again.

  5. They kne how to build then! Great photo.

  6. Wow I want to tour this home!!!

  7. I would not want to clean that house.

  8. So worth it to take the time to enlarge, what a fabulous building Pat. Love the addition of what looks like a conservatory to the right side. White perfection!

  9. What a fantastic home. I'd love to take a tour of it.

  10. I was absolutely wowed by Casa Loma when I visited there some years ago, so I can imagine what this is like too..,
