Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bleeding Hearts

One of the loveliest spring flowers has to be the Bleeding Heart. These shade-loving perennials are popping open all over the city this week. I caught this plant at the top of the stairs leading to Casa Loma and Spadina House with part of the wall surrounding Spadina House visible in the background. 
Enlarge to see the little flowers better.


  1. Agree! I was admiring some last evening. Beautiful.

  2. They always brighten up dark corners this time of year, nice spring pic.

  3. I have always had too much sun in my garden for this plant. I can imagine how beautiful they must be to see throughout the city.

  4. The name is maybe not the best, but they are lovely flowers! :)

  5. I agree, a beautiful plant, though when I saw your post title I was instantly reminded of my sister, as that's what she calls me for voting NDP!

  6. A sad name for a lovely flower. ;-)

  7. Gorgeous and so huge! My grandmother used to tell me how they grew wild where she grew up, thus making them one of my very favorite flowers in the world, just because of her. I however, must buy them in pots at the store to enjoy them. Lucky, lucky you!

  8. They would have to be annuals here, and it's still too soon for planting, but in two weeks...
    I wonder if a re-potted bleeding heart would bloom in the shady part of my garden. I remember having them when I was a child, and they are exquisite.
    Lovely photo.

  9. I did enlarge the photo and they are beautiful.

    How did you get a comment to stick on Principessa's blog...I've been trying all day and nothing works. I write out the comment and press "Publish" and it disappears! I've tried all the possible profiles, too. Same thing!

    I've noticed some really odd things going on with Blogger/Google of late...I think they're messing with the system again!

  10. Hi Pat...I just tried not long ago to comment on La Principessa's blog but to no avail.

    We've got a problem with Blogger and their new comment procedure. I knew people had made comments but I didn't get them. I then checked each blog's spam folder and that's where I found them. This has happened in just the past couple of days, so if your comment is not showing up, it may be in their spam folder.

  11. Such a pretty little scene! The plant is beautiful and it would be interesting to know how it came to have such a sad name.

  12. Very pretty and a lovely image all round Pat.

  13. I haven't seen one of these in ages. My mother used to have one in the yard when I was just a little kid.

  14. Wonderful colours.

  15. I am waiting for the bleeding hearts to flower here. This shows how Toronto is much further ahead of us here in East Gwillimbury!

  16. Beautiful shot, Pat. Bleeding hearts are such lovely flowers.

  17. Lovely blooms and lovely shot!
