Sunday, May 20, 2012

Decisions At The Garden Centre

This holiday weekend (Victoria Day) in Ontario marks the traditional beginning of the planting season here and the garden centres have their busiest 3 days and are packed with people. I took this pic early this morning before the hordes arrived but already there were many debates going on as to which plants and which colours would be in the garden this year. One heated discussion was between having all white plants or having all bright red - I didn't hear who won but I would go for the colour although all white sounds quite elegant! What's your choice?


  1. Your garden centre is definitely bigger than our local efforts! Nice shot!

  2. I would love to have a multicoloured garden. :)

  3. All white is quite elegant, but I prefer lots more color. I wouldn't want just one color in the garden, maybe for a border one color would work.

  4. I live at a garden centre/ greenhouse business and cars have been coming and going all day.

  5. I did all white one year, it was very elegant, but I love the idea of all red, how terrifically cheerful!

  6. Ah glad to see Spring has truly sprung by now, Pat. This is a lovely, colourful shot.

  7. Well this year it will be lots of colour although I occasionally do the white/pastel thing in a planter or two. Always looks rather elegant. What ended up in your trolley at the garden centre today?

  8. May 15 is the magic date down here. On occasion I rushed and planted earlier and each time I paid the price.

    I made four trips to the garden center over the last three or four days. I like a blend of colors, but it must be colored. All red or all white wouldn't work.

  9. These are so beautiful. They would fear me. I have a brown thumb.

  10. I like to see monochrome in other people's gardens but I like a mixture in mine.

  11. What a festival of colours!

    Btw, I checked it out and it's not Frida's photos but the paintings (hers and Rivera's) you will see next fall in Toronto. :-)
