Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Montgomery's Inn

The tour of the Islington Village murals (I showed one yesterday) began at Montgomery's Inn which is now a community museum for that area of the city but which was built in the 1830s by Irish immigrants and served as an inn until the 1850s. From that time it served as many things including even a church for awhile until being saved from the wrecking ball in the 1970s and turned into a community museum showing the history of the area and the inn and operating a tea room on weekends. I'm so glad this wonderful stone building was saved!


  1. Sure has an interesting story this old building.

  2. It looks a fine building, glad it wasn't flattened in the '70s.

  3. Love this building and the little path!

  4. Lovely, timeless looking place - glad they decided to save it.

  5. Good! Those kinds of buildings need saving! Beautiful.

  6. It is always refreshing to find and save old buildings. History is so important to all of us.

  7. Oh my goodness! I'm so surprised this building was nearly torn down. I LOVE it!

  8. A museum and a tea room in a building full of history and personality, very nice!

    I don't remember when I last saw a blue sky in Sao Paulo... :(

  9. What an absolutely gorgeous building, grounds look rather divine too.

  10. I'm glad it was saved too! So much character.

  11. A fine stone building. The 1960s and 1970s were a dangerous time for older communities as "urban renewal" (i.e., bulldozing) was the fashion for the time.

  12. Beautiful place, with great memories...I remember going to the inn as a student at OLS...and I had my wedding reception at the Inn. Love the history in those pictures <3

  13. Me too Pat, it's way too easy to just knock buildings down and replace them with something unattractive, brilliant to see that this 1830's inn was saved that fate.

  14. It's a grand looking old place, and clearly steeped in history too.

  15. This building has a castle look to me. I love old stone buildings and the multi-levels give it so much character.
