Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tip Top Tailors Ghost Sign

I found this ghost sign downtown on Richmond St West  and if you look closely you can see that there are actually 2 ghost signs - the predominant smaller one is the older one and you can see the faint outlines of a taller sign that had been painted over it. I found a pic of the building taken in 1916 when the building was 5 stories  tall showing the small sign occupying the whole side. The building is now 6 stories high so the tall, more faded one was painted after and didn't last as well! Anyway, Tip Top Tailors has been a major menswear retailer in Canada since its first store opened in 1909 and they occupied this building until 1929 when a move was made to a wonderful Art Deco building on Lakeshore Blvd.
Taking part in Signs,Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. I wonder if there is some kind of finish than be done to the bricks to preserve these ghost signs. That would be nice - especially since they kept the old rooftop sign on the condo building.

  2. Five and six stories high - what a job that had to be! Great find!

    My sign entry is here: Signs

  3. It has held up rather well all things considered!

  4. You just don't see signs like this anymore on sides of buildings, right? It's a rare find!

  5. i agree with lesley's comment. shouldn't there be a movement to preserve these old signage?

  6. Amazing what you can discover in these ghost signs. We have quite a few in the older parts of Melbourne.

  7. They made them to last in those days!

  8. Unfotunately we don't see ghost signs around here, it's an interesting theme to photograph. ;-)

  9. a lot of effort went into painting these signs. love the idea of ghost signs. a cool name. this is a fabulous find. genie

  10. Cool ghost sign! I always like seeing these. Advertising was simpler back then. :)

  11. I like this ghost sign. You are quite a sign historian, aren't you?

  12. Hi Red Pat, I like this pic. Ghost Signs - That's a good theme to follow up....!

  13. Seeing these old ghost signs brings back memories from my past. Tip Top Tailors used to also be manufacture of clothing.

  14. They're still in Vancouver and they've moved once or twice over the years but they're part of the mall now.

  15. Love ghost signs, they are such a special part of the past

  16. Ghost sign, a fantastic name. Interesting shot.

  17. Coincidence! I also found an old tailor sign in Lisbon I will post soon. :-)

  18. Oh well done Pat, for finding the ghost signs and for all the info to go with them.

  19. Once again you taught me something new. I've seen these types of sign my whole life but never new they were called ghost signs. Makes perfect since now that I have read it.
