Sunday, June 24, 2012

Arch at St Michael's

This lovely arch is found on the grounds of St Michael's College School on Bathurst St. Founded in 1852, the school is run by the Basilian Fathers and is a private, all-boy, Catholic, day school with around 1,100 students. The school is famous for its sports programs and even has its own arena which has helped it to produce a huge number of NHL hockey players with many of them in the Hockey Hall of Fame. The arch has lettering running along the top saying "Student Entrance" but it is nice that they have left the ivy to grow where it likes!


  1. The students probably don't need the "Student Entrance" lettering! :-) Tis indeed a lovely arch. Can't imagine going to an all-boys school. How utterly boring!

    Kinda thought you'd like Red's!

  2. Nice arch but it seems oddly out of place here, almost like they forgot to build the rest of the wall!

  3. If this nice arch is for the students, what did they do for the faculty? Even nicer?

  4. I love arches, with vines and shady trees. Great shot!

  5. I love the look of this arch.

  6. The ivy softens the arch's lines very nicely. I love the posture of the person in the arch. Funny!

  7. The man on the left gives the impression that he is preventing the arch from leaning to one side!

  8. I have passed this place many times and I often wanted to stop for a photo. The grounds are really nice. I like the way you've shown the arch here. :)

  9. It looks like it might have been part of a building at one time.

  10. Arches are always good in my book Pat anytime anyplace! I like the ivy growing over, gives it that aged look! I went to an all girls school that was right next to an all boys school and we spent most of the time speaking to the boys through the fence haha!

  11. Gorgeous shot. I wonder if their was a building behind the arch at one time, and they tore it down but kept the entry? It is odd standing there alone, but gorgeous in it's stone work and nod to older times.

  12. The ivy does add to the entrance. Hockey players, eh? I guess the Basilian Fathers don't teach much about the evils of fighting. :)

  13. Beautiful photo, Pat. I like the figure visible through the arch.
