Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bride & Groom

I was walking on Queen St past Toronto City Hall yesterday when I spotted these two people obviously waiting for the rest of their party to arrive. The square in front of City hall has been undergoing renovations for a few years now and I loved the contrast of the construction trailer with the beautifully  dressed couple! The City Hall has a lovely wedding chamber  which can handle up to 30 guests but there are no changing facilities so it is not unusual to see a bride in full regalia strolling along Queen St.


  1. It does look incongruous, doesn't it! They must be blissfully unaware of their surroundings, or at least i'd like to think so!

  2. Nice capture, wonderful contrast.

  3. It is unusual to see a construction trailer as a backdrop of a wedding photo.

  4. That sure is an odd contrast, RedPat! Thanks for the Fathers Day wishes.

  5. I think your posts often tell a story (and usually a very interesting one) also! Delightful photo. And I also like the way you included the girl with the ubiquitous cell phone!

  6. Glad to hear City Hall is just around the corner. Hope it stays dry for them!

  7. With that background, I also wondered what a bride and groom would be doing there. It all makes sense now though. :)

  8. Thank you for the explanation, they look very strange sitting where they are, especially she in that stunning dress.

  9. They need a nicer background. Nice shot.

  10. A long and happy life to the couple! ;-)

  11. A bit of a strange look, indeed.

  12. How fantastic Pat, I'd be tempted to hang about that spot a bit just to see all the gorgeous wedding gowns (and take shots haha!)

  13. That's a relief, I thought they were having to get married in the construction trailer!

  14. wonderful shot. I love these types of surprise shots.=)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Great shot, with the couple looking quit incongruous there, Pat.
