Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Converted Foundry

This is probably my favourite kind of space - an old factory that has been converted to another use, in this case to a gallery and residence. This is the entrance to the Olga Korper Gallery that is found in the centre of a complex that had contained a foundry & mattress factory. Korper moved there in 1989 and since then the whole complex has been converted to galleries & studios. The courtyard was lovely and quiet yesterday morning except for a wonderful tabby cat who decided against having his pic taken!


  1. I'm fond of this kind of converted space too. I'd love to see what it looks like inside.

  2. Wonderful!
    Love the colors :)

  3. Oh I so agree, what a fabulous spot, looks like it would make a wonderful area for galleries and studios - Great Great Find.

  4. This is a very inviting place!

  5. Oh boy, I like this. Would love to see the inside and if the exterior indicates what the interior looks like, it would be really something! What? You scared of the cat? Shucks.

  6. I like this place, too, RedPat. The foliage softens the lines.

  7. This is a new one to me. I hope you will show us more.

  8. I like it too - nice combination of a "work" look and with all the greenery. Though I can't make out what that thing is in the top middle?

  9. It's a wonderful mish-mash of buildings all joined together to make a very cosy looking home. Shame Tabby wouldn't pose, he would have really set the photo off!

  10. Always glad to see something repurposed then torn down.

    Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  11. I'd say this is quite an upgrade.

  12. That green wall is fantastic!

  13. I'd love a place like this to live in .

  14. Cats are a bit like that Pat, not like dogs who love to have their picture taken oui! I love this gallery/studio, I think it would be quite inspiring to paint here!

  15. Looks inviting and relaxing space. My favorite spaces are also converted and repurpose ones.

  16. What a beautiful place! I love all the greenery. :)
