Friday, July 6, 2012

Heat Relief

It's going up to 36˚C and really humid here today so this is the place to be! This long, narrow, shady backyard in the High Park area offers the perfect option to fighting traffic heading to a cottage - just walk out off the back deck and dive in! Wish it was mine.


  1. I call dibs on that corner on the far right!

  2. Wow! - That is gorgeous - What a perfect design for a small backyard.

  3. normally, with such a small garden, I would not want to fill it all up with a pool. this summer, I would definitely be glad of it!

  4. It's a sylvan retreat that is unbearably beautiful.

    Having said that, though, I must also say I'd never have another pool. Pools mean lots of work and lots of money and they must be tended like a small child. So, I'll let others build pools and then become their friend so I can use it! Heh, heh!

  5. Looks delightful, bit like my garden at the moment - and I don't have a pool!

  6. We might hit 25°, which is hot for here! Still hot enough for the pool anyway!

  7. Oh, yes, THIS looks good.

    Thanks for your visit today (and many days). I got a laugh from your comment about knowing which posts I won't like. I am so consistent and so predictable!!

  8. It's an oasis in the middle of the city, looks incredibly inviting Pat.

  9. What a gorgeous yard and pool. Looks like a nice quiet spot inside a busy city.

  10. I guess you were visiting this person? Or did you just sneak into the backyard for a shot? ;)

  11. I'd love to have my own pool... ;-)

  12. How are we all going to fit in? We all want it!

  13. Always good cooling off with a dip - if one has the option...
