Monday, July 23, 2012

High Five

I seem to be stumbling upon more and more of UB5000's little yellow birds lately - maybe I'm spending too much time wandering laneways. Here is yet another of the cute little guys perched high up on the 2nd floor above these rather odd but friendly-looking rabbits, found in a rather grotty area off Queen St West. 
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. oh that's pretty neat to find these little birds everywhere! cool mural!

  2. Love it - I too have fallen in love with the guy. Love the rabbits??? down below as well.

  3. I love exploring alleys with a camera on hand, there are always interesting bits to be found ! ;-)

  4. You are lucky to live in a big city where it's not too difficult to find murals. Keep searching the lane ways Pat you are finding some good ones.

  5. A really funny mural. Thanks for sharing, I booted a smile.

  6. The little yellow bird is wonderful!

    But how do you know these other two are rabbits? ;-)

    I like 'em a lot. They're happy and fun and made me smile!

  7. The friendly rabbits made me smile and wave back.

  8. They look kind of alien rabbits to me! Glad the little yellow bird found another comfy perch.

  9. these are very cheery looking rabbits. and the bird is great!

  10. This one I like!! - even in the grotty alley.

  11. Murals are windows to the soul of the city

  12. That bird is definitely cute. I would make it a mission to keep finding him. If I had nothing else to do and was living in TO :)

  13. Toronto clearly needs a ban on spray paint!

  14. You've taught us so well to recognize Ub5000. As soon as I saw it I thought, "She's found another one!" The rabbits look both goofy and a little high on something. No wonder the yellow bird is laughing. Thanks for contributing this to this week's Monday Mural.

  15. They certainly brighten up the laneways!

  16. Looks as if this UB5ooo is not only a good artist but has a some wit to add this whimsy to his work.

  17. It's very cool the way this little fella pops up all over the place Pat, well spotted!

  18. Cute. I'm going to have to keep my eyes wide open to see if I can spot them on my few forays in the city.
