Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kensington Bistro

The last day of shots from Kensington Market and I thought that I would give you an idea of the little shops and bistros which line the streets of the market. Most of them are quite small which allows the smaller businesses to survive in our expensive downtown. It's too bad that the neighbours park their garbage containers right beside the Eiffel Tower!


  1. Looks inviting, and as it's almost lunch-time here I'm developing an appetite!

  2. What a really cute place! I agree about the garbage bins. That's a wonderful mural that should be admired.

  3. What a cute place. I like the mural on the side of the building.

  4. Only against the reflection in the Seine :-).

    Looks like a great spot. Those doors are so inviting, do hope the food matches my expectations.

  5. It's a very summery looking place, you're right about the bins though!

  6. This reminds me that I haven't been there in such a long, long time!

  7. I'd stop there in a minute! Love that painting with the reflection (even with the garbage cans)!

  8. This little bistro looks so appealing Pat, even more so with the great mural on the side, hopefully those bins don't stay there all the time oui!
