Friday, August 10, 2012


Remember nail art? This has to be one of the most ambitious examples and it is found in the lobby of our new City Hall. Titled"Metropolis", it was done by artist David Partridge in 1977 after he won a competition in 1974 to provide a piece for this location. It is constructed of 100,000 nails of various sizes and the centre of the piece is said to represent downtown with the rest of the city spreading out from it. It is really well done and is so 1970s when you see it!


  1. It manages to look futuristic yet dated at the same time!

  2. Cool, it reminds me of the aztecs!
    Have a good weekend RedPat! ;-)

  3. I love it! All those patterns are amazing.

  4. Nice photo. I just can't imagine anyone waking into Home Depot and asking for 100,000 nails.

  5. It is amazing, RedPat. I don't associate it with a particular period. Guess that is the deficiency in my art education.

  6. I admire the patience that artist had to create this.

  7. This is incredible! Looks like uneven fluffy surface with metalware!

  8. Fantastic piece of work, a LOT of hammering must have gone into creating it!

  9. I've never even heard of nail art. This is quite magnificent. What a project that must have been.

  10. Wow, that is absolutely gorgeous. Love the title, so very appropriate, very futuristic, goth kind of feel

  11. It looks quite nice in this photo. I'm gonna have to venture into the city to take a closer look.

  12. Can you imagine working with all those nails! It reminds me a bit of aboriginal paintings with the millions of little dots that make up the image.

  13. Oh yes, I remember those! :-) I wonder of it gets dusty and how they clean it?
