Friday, September 7, 2012

J. E. H. MacDonald Mosaics At Concourse

This is a closer shot of the mosaics visible in the entranceway of the Concourse building in yesterday's post. They were designed by J. E. H. MacDonald and his son Thoreau with the mosaic above the door meant to represent the concourse of earth, air, fire and water, while the  7 upper mosaics show various commercial activities involved in the Canadian economy of the time. MacDonald is well known in Canada as one of the Group Of Seven artists which was the 1st major Canadian art movement (from 1920 to 1933) - they were modern artists inspired by our landscape. There are huge collections of their work across the country and even in many schools! 


  1. How interesting! And beautiful. Are these stained glass? That is a very special doorway!

  2. They are gorgeous, and so intricate. That doorway is even spectacular in the archway - Marvelous.

  3. Thanks for the better view!

  4. This is terrific, RedPat. The modern colored panels work beautifully with the traditional white architecture.

  5. It's unbelievable how many interesting works you keep finding in Toronto to show us! ;-)

  6. The mosaics are a vet eyecatching addition to the entrance, fantastic!

  7. What an attractive way to enter a building.

  8. These are gorgeous. I love the colors!

  9. Beautiful details Pat, particularly the vibrant mosaic above the door.

  10. I love those mosaics! It's a pity that this art form is not used more nowadays in architectural uses.

  11. Fascinating, and a breathtaking work too.
