Sunday, November 25, 2012

100th Grey Cup

This float from the Santa Claus Parade honours the 100th Grey Cup championship game of the Canadian Football League which takes place today here in Toronto. The Grey Cup game is played in a different city each year and by chance our Toronto Argonauts qualified last weekend to play against the Calgary Stampeders so the weeklong party has been extra special this year and yesterday featured repeated attempts by the Calgary fans to ride a horse through the lobby of the Royal York Hotel (probably the most prestigious one in town). This tradition had started in 1948 by Calgary fans but the hotel held them off with security guards until finally relenting in mid-afternoon and then Marty, the horse, walked proudly through the lobby surrounded by excited fans!  Canadian football is similar to American but there are only 3 downs, a larger field, and other small scoring differences. Go Argos!!


  1. I'm sure the boys love this float! ;-)

  2. That float is the most awesome ive seen in a while !!!

  3. Admittedly not a fan of the game at all. Good float though!

  4. I almost always learn some interesting stuff on your blog! Go Argos, indeed!

    Is that you in the hair?

  5. I am watching right now! Go Argos... go!!! :)

  6. we just can't escape this thing, eh?!!
    Toronto definitely does not have a sense of fun and the absurd.

  7. I'll bet sports fans loved this one.

  8. Love that charging football player! Go Argos!

  9. This year's Santa Clause Parade had some great floats and this is one. It was nice for Toronto to win the Grey Cup. Next year will be the The Blue Jays turn to win Baseball's World Series

  10. I still don't understand the game.

  11. I was in the States over Thanksgiving weekend and saw three NFL football games. I must say that I truly enjoy CFL football way more. :)) YAY, Argos!

  12. Wouldn't want to try and block/tackle this particular player!

  13. I have a picture of the horse being led through the lobby of a posh hotel Pat, that would have been fun to see.
    I can see why you would have a dread of hail. Thankfully this storm didn't cause too much harm, now the one we had last year, that's a whole different story!

  14. Now there is some Canadian history I knew nothing about - how fun. Leave it to the Calgary fans to parade a horse through a lobby. I am sure it was a long management decision to allow the fun to continue. Great story - fun float.
