Saturday, November 3, 2012

Humber Bay Arch Bridge

This is the pedestrian/bike bridge that was visible in yesterday's shot of the lakeshore, taken from a pathway that runs down below the bridge itself. The bridge is about 450 ft long and spans the Humber River as it empties into Lake Ontario and it carries the "Waterfront Trail" which will eventually go all the way along the north shore of the lake. The part of the trail in Toronto is called the "Martin Goodman Trail" and it is the most popular bike and pedestrian trail in the city. The bridge was designed by Montgomery & Sisam Architects and was finished in 1994. I love the snake motifs on the lower supports!


  1. Urban bike and pedestrian trails are terrific, and one with a bridge like this even more so. Nice shot!

  2. I love bridges with amazing views! ;-)

  3. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something about this bridge that is terrific. It reminds me of those long balloons that trick artists use to make animals at children's parties.

  4. Great bridge and the snakes are cool. There is something about bridge designs, they either look right, like this one, or very wrong!

  5. Nice looking bridge. I would skip the snakes.

  6. Great angle, love how the CN Tower fits in underneath the archway too!

  7. Nice looking bridge! Great to see it from a distance on the previous post.

  8. Is it nicknamed the 'Snake'? I wonder, with the foreground and all.

  9. It's certainly a gorgeous structure. I love the angle of this photo too.

  10. Gorgeous bridge. I too love the snake motifs. What a fabulous thing to have such a great bike/ped path and how marvelous when it finally does go all along the North Shore.

  11. I really do like the looks of this bridge! Wonderful composition in this shot. I especially like the way you can see the skyline under the bridge!

  12. It's an attractive bridge, graceful yet sturdy and all the better for being only for cycles and pedestrians.

  13. Thank you for this...I really liked what I saw in another of your posts and this is a gorgeous structure. Why the snake motifs? Is the area infested with the critters?

    We have lots of snakes here, too. Most of them in one political party which I shall refrain from mentioning... :-)

  14. Two excellent views of the bridge Pat, the condos along the shore in your last post must have beautiful river views.

  15. Definitely a nice place for a walk. :)

  16. Hi. How can I get to the bridge? Does anyone know the direction from union station or any subway station? I've tried to google it but it's giving me no clue. Thanks a lot. :-)
