Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mother Goose Leads Off The Santa Claus Parade

I was down to Bloor St early Sunday to check out the floats of the 108th Santa Claus Parade in Toronto, well before the parade began. Mother Goose has been in the parade since 1917 and is the traditional leader of the pack - she was looking quite good this year and happy for the sunshine! There were 28 floats and 22 marching bands in this years parade and I will show you some more of the floats over the next few days.


  1. Mother Goose is rarin' to get this thing started!

  2. I am sure I will enjoy your shots from the parade more than being there myself! I like Mother Goose's colors. :)

  3. A wonderful, happy Mother Goose. But then, what goose wouldn't like to ride in style in a Christmas parade?

  4. That is one nice looking float. Looking forward to the next.

  5. That is one BIG bird !!!!
    Cant wait to see the rest.

  6. Mother Goose looks darn good for an ol' gal of 95!

  7. Already that time of year! Sweet float!=)

  8. You're right, she does look happy (and beautiful, and sweet)!
    Time flies...

  9. 95 years at the head of a parade. That is called "respect."

  10. I can vouch that she has been in the parade for many years. I remember her from when (1950's) I was kid. Those were the days when the parade was held on a Saturday and went down Yonge Street to the Eaton's store.

  11. Gosh Mother Goose is looking very good for her age Pat, wonder what her secret is? Fresh paint job perhaps!!
