Thursday, November 29, 2012

Party Time - 1,000th Post!!

I couldn't decide which dress was the most perfect for celebrating my 1,000th post but would probably go for the little red number! I took this pic on Queen St West (one of my favourite haunts) showing lots of colour and a great reflection - all things that I like.
It's hard to believe that I've done 1,000 posts and still love doing it - I still get a thrill from everyone's comments, love visiting your blogs, and really feel that I have made friends all over the world! Hurray!!


  1. Very colourful!

    Congratulations on hitting the thousand posts!

  2. Way to go Red Pat!
    Love your site!

  3. Congratulations! (I must check to see how many I have done...)
    I bet there are many more delicious outfits inside!

  4. Congratulations! Great choice for the dress :)

  5. Congratulations Red Pat!! I bet you would look great in that little red number.
    What an accomplishment!

  6. Congratulations on your thousandth post, and of course the little red number is ideal for Red Pat!
    What a super photo, too. I love the crisp reflections.

  7. I recently just reached my 1,000 posting. I was very, very slack for the first few years so you reached the plateau much quicker than I did. No colourful dress celebration for me. Just a bottle of wine and and pat on the back.

  8. Woohoo! 1000 Congratulations RedPat. All those party frocks and back to front writing to decipher, does it get any better?!

  9. That's a lot of posts. Just don't go "postal"! have a super blog.

    If you decide on the little red number please have someone take your picture and post it right here!

  10. Congratulations! Quite a milestone. I just hit my one-thousandth earlier this month so I know what a feat it is. Hope to see you for another thousand!

  11. One thousand! Congratulations. You are a couple of months ahead of you. I am honored to follow in your path.

  12. Congratulations! I have loved every single post!

  13. congratulations!
    I like the little red dress too.

  14. Congratulations RedPat! I enjoy seeing the city through your eyes and your posts have helped me discover many things about my new city. :)
    Hope you have at least 1,000 more posts in you.

  15. Congratulations Red, wow that is a huge achievement and it's good to hear you are still enjoying so much. It seems pretty unanimous, you will have to go back, buy or try the little red number and show us the results!!

  16. What a cool colourful reflection! ;-)

  17. Congratulations! And I like the dress you chose to wear. :))

  18. Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment, Those are some amazing dresses!

  19. Congratulations! That's quite an achievement, with a consistently high standards of photos too.

  20. Congrats on the monumental blog post milestone

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