Saturday, December 22, 2012

Lakeshore Strollers

You can sometime see some strange sights when walking along the boardwalk by the lakeshore but these concrete dinosaurs are actually part of the children's playground located beside the bathing pavilion of the last few days. They are a bit startling at first but the kids love crawling all over them!


  1. Hah! Love these dinosaurs. I would have climbed all over them when I was a kid On second thought, I would probably climb all over them now.

  2. I would have loved to clamber over a dinosaur when I was kid. In fact, I think I still might love to do that.

  3. If I were a kid again, I'd love crawling all over them, too. They are unique and have lots of points of interest and things to grab onto!

  4. Mmmmmm think I will leave the crawling about to the kids..... and Jack and Hamilton and Lowell!

  5. Oh these are great. I'd love to see them on a very foggy morning with their heads and scales poking out of the fog. Now that would make a scary sight.

  6. Makes me wonder if this kind of dinosaur roamed the area way back when.

  7. Can't go wrong with dinosaurs!

  8. Oh yeh, these are fun, we have some in a park here and the kids love them too, seems dinosaurs aren't scary at all!!

  9. How divine. They are just delightful! So great they are made of a material that stands up to climbing, because I know I would be all over them if I were a child.

  10. They have a couple of statues like that on the grounds of the Museum of Nature here... a relative of the triceratops, a mother and young one.

  11. These date back to the early 70's when you could swim in the lake.

  12. The are earlier than the 70s. I remember them as a child in the early 60s.
