Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chocolate "LOVE"

I couldn't resist taking a shot of this white chocolate LOVE that has appeared in a local chocolate shop's window. Based on the image designed by American Pop artist Robert Indiana in 1964 as a Christmas card for the MOMA, it is a very familiar design and has been reproduced in many forms - not sure how many have been chocolate though. I didn't notice the reflection of the workers on the roof across the road until I opened this on the computer.
Happy St Valentine's Day everyone!


  1. I LOVE white chocolate Pat, could have quite the feast on these big letters. Because I've posted about a couple of exhibitions on loan from MoMA, I recognized the design straight off, then my next thought was...I wish!!

  2. Very appropos for the day, Pat. Hope you're having a great Valentine's Day!

  3. Wonder who is going to eat it tomorrow?!

  4. That is cool. In white chocolate! Back many years ago, there was a huge iron sculpture of this on the Boston City Hall Plaza, and there is a photograph floating around of a tall guy who climbed up on it with his sweetie. I think the statute of limitations has expired.

  5. I've been to his studio in Maine. Strange stuff! Interesting stuff! Hey, it's Indiana.

  6. It's made of chocolate? That would take some chomping!

  7. The reflection adds so much depth and character to the sign! Great photo!

  8. Good choice for Valentine's Day. I have seen the design before...
