Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Spices And More

I have never ventured into this store on Queen St West but I always admire the window and it looks to be quite lovely inside. They specialize in organic herbs and spices as well as quality olive oils and balsamic vinegars. I think I will have to venture in and treat myself to some nice balsamic one day. And the bonus is that their always clean window gives a perfect reflection of Trinity Bellwoods Park across the road!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Very nice window, I'd love to check the goodies of this beautiful store. ;-)

  2. Spice trader... This reminds me of the Age of Discoveries! :-)

  3. Maybe we can try it together? Love the looks of it too!

  4. Excellent Red Pat!
    Love the layers :)

  5. I love looking around in places like these. Nice photo with the reflection.

  6. love the reflection - is that a group of schoolkids chatting I see?

  7. If this shop were in my neighborhood, I would be a regular customer. They do have a great window.

  8. I bet the place smells enticing once you get inside.

  9. So...they don't actually trade spices...the name is a come-on...they just sell spices. The trading of spices was a huge business some years back.

    The Olive Pit is a cute name, too. And the window - reflective as it is - is also quite beautiful!

  10. This looks like a very inviting store to me. Great sign and nice reflection!

    Thanks for your visit and comment on my sign entry.


  11. I would be all over this place! Spices are...well....the spice of life! It's funny you mentioning olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I just recently took a photo of the bottle of oil and the bottle of balsamic that I brought back from Italy last summer. The oil is almost used up but the balsamic is still around and it is delicious.

  12. I take it easy with spices and pass on olives... green that is. Strange?

  13. Yum! Looks like my kind of store!

  14. I would love this place. I've made a note of it, to check it out.

  15. That's a wonderful looking shop and window, very traditional.

  16. poke your head inside, i bet it smells incredible!

  17. I would be very tempted to checking out what's inside!

  18. They definitely get bonus points for the clean windows Pat! The balsamic is bound to be good in a shop like this, you'll have to give it a try.

  19. Te window sign makes it look like an old time "purveyor" of exotic comestibles.

  20. The font of the sign is a little olde worlde, hinting of grand old trading days! Delightful kind of window atmosphere!

  21. Terrific shot. I don't recall if I've ever seen the store.
