Thursday, February 28, 2013

What A Contrast!

This is a shot of St Bernard Elementary School showing its wonderful new addition on the left side and the older brick sections on the right.  The addition was designed by ATA Architects and was completed in 2012 while the rest of the school was built in 1956 with additions through to the 1970s. I can't get over the difference and have to think that the kids find it so much more visually stimulating too. I wonder what the interior is like but it isn't easy to wander into a school these days.


  1. I agree the contrast screams volumes. At least here in the states classroom design has not left the 1950's wondering if the similar long design means the interior is similar and the exterior is all the architects got to play with.

  2. Such a difference Pat, but I think it's good to 'mix and match' I'm sure it makes for a more stimulating learning environment!

  3. Very interesting. I'd have to see the new building personally to make a informed comment. I do remember though when I was teaching in an old frame school building, a new block/stucco building was built and we moved everything over there. It was awful. It leaked, it was difficult to negotiate, it had zero charm - I hated it and would have much preferred to go back to the old building! :) Hopefully, this new building will not suffer that same fate. And I have a feeling that your schools are better constructed than those in south Florida!

  4. Hmmm. I wonder which grades are the "haves" and which are the "have nots."

  5. It's rather a miracle that any of us survived going to school in those boring old buildings (or even worse for someone as old as I)....I wouldn't want my grandkids (or greats) to have their classroom in the old portion though.) I wonder if they're going to keep it?

  6. Going to school is much more fun nowadays! ;-)

  7. Definitely a stark contrast!

    Perhaps, given that it's a new addition, it might warrant an inclusion in Doors Open weekend for visitors?

  8. Nice shot. I see the same contrast with old & new school buildings over here. The new ones look great don't they.

  9. While I love old architecture there is something about that modern building that I like.

  10. Hmmm. I guess the architects weren't fettered by the requirement that the new wing complement the old.

  11. Quite the contrast. I definitely like the new building, but not sure it fits well with the old one.

  12. I don't think it's possible for them to be less alike!

  13. This is terrific! Kind of like Mondrian.
